Teachers and the improvement of quality in education


  • Eduardo J Fuentes Abeledo


educational quality, research, classroom studies, center studies, teaching staff, learning to teach.


This article, first in a series, offers various reflections, ideas, examples and experiences that seek to deepen the aspect of teaching learning by teachers, an essential agent in the educational process. Thus, and given that the current legislation advocates the importance of quality in teaching, it is necessary to investigate about it and about teachers in the classrooms.


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Author Biography

Eduardo J Fuentes Abeledo

Profesor de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

How to Cite

Fuentes Abeledo, E. J. (2014). Teachers and the improvement of quality in education. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (270), 36–39. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/padresymaestros/article/view/2342