Professional guidance counseling, a key to equal opportunities for everyone.


  • Vicente Hernández Franco Universidad Pontificia Comillas


professional guidance counseling, competence, entrepreneurship, vocational portfolio, professional interests, vocational values and vocational maturity, education counseling, education.


Since school counseling appeared in Spain in the 70’s, followed by specialized services in the 80’s and launched in the 90’s with LOGSE (1990), a multilevel counseling structure (class, centre, sector) and psychology and pedagogy in High schools, it can be said that these services have progressively consolidated and essential service for the educative system to assist diversity and educative needs from Kindergarten to college.


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Author Biography

Vicente Hernández Franco, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Director Proyecto Orión

How to Cite

Franco, V. H. (2014). Professional guidance counseling, a key to equal opportunities for everyone. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (355), 41–49. Retrieved from