The emotions: on the way to school. The emotional intelligence training of future teachers of kindergarten and primary


  • Víctor Vallejo Viciana Universidad Pontificia Comillas


Affective education, feeling and affectivity, affective behavior, teaching practice, Emotional Intelligence., Teacher training


This paper explains, in a didactic and clear way, the theory of emotions of the teacher Leslie Greenberg and, also, justifies the need of future teachers of receiving a theorical and practical training that can help them to develop their socio-emotional competences. In particular, the author of this article points out the elaboration of a emotional diary that their students of second grade of infant education and primary education of the degree of Teaching of the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas write in the cuatrimestral course. Readers could find a definition of the six basic emotions and, also, the definition of shame and help about how to manage our own emotions being able to identify if they are adaptive or desadaptive primary emotions or secondary or instrumental emotions. ions being able to identify if they are adaptive or desadaptive primary emotions or secondary or instrumental emotions.


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Author Biography

Víctor Vallejo Viciana, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Licenciado en filosofía actualmente ejerce la docencia como profesor asociado de la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas en el Grado de Magisterio. Coach personal y ejecutivo (ACC) y de grupos. Coach del colegio La Salle Maravillas de Madrid. Formador en Habilidades Directivas. Miembro del pool de expertos de Augere. Título de Especialista en Asesoramiento psicológico Orientación Terapia Centrada en la Persona por el Instituto de Integración Humana. Especialista en acompañamiento espiritual. Con amplia experiencia en el ámbito de la pastoral y de la docencia como profesor de filosofía, ética y religión en 4º de la ESO y Bachillerato



How to Cite

Vallejo Viciana, V. (2012). The emotions: on the way to school. The emotional intelligence training of future teachers of kindergarten and primary. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (337), 11–16. Retrieved from