Emotion decides and reason justifies


  • Roberto Aguado Romo


Multiple Intelligences, Emotional Bonding Conscious, emotion, learning.


Until very recently, the intelligence was considered innate and unchangeable. Gardner defines intelligence as an ability. The ability or inability is not so much a concept itself. Gardner developed a good rating for distribution to the population, without having to be labeled inferior or superior, but does not satisfy the urgent human need to get out of their specific capacity and transfer this skill to other areas to master other territories for which it has no such bias in the early stages of learning. With the model we Conscious Emotional Bonding out of this circumstance.


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Author Biography

Roberto Aguado Romo

Psicólogo Especialista en Psicología Clínica.

Especialista Europeo en Psicoterapia.

Presidente del Instituto Europeo de Psicoterapias de Tiempo Limitado. Director del Master en Psicoterapia de Tiempo Limitado y Psicología de la Salud. Autor de Terapia de Interacción Recíproca. Autor de Vinculación Emocional Consciente. Autor de ES EMOCIONANTE SABER EMOCIONARSE. 2014 EOS. Madrid.

How to Cite

Aguado Romo, R. (2014). Emotion decides and reason justifies. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (357), 15–19. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/padresymaestros/article/view/3292