Vocational training school, company with a passable bridge IEFPS-Usurbil


  • Patxi Vaquerizo Director del IEFPS USURBIL




School, business, vocational training, Zubigune, Zubilan, education, experience


If we understand that vocational training is essentially training for employment, vocational training schools have to be able to "build" bridges to a relationship with the smooth, stable and companies in both directions. We also have to be willing to innovate in order to give substance to the bridge.

Some years ago, in Usurbil we established this bridge. We have been strengthening it with multiple projects that allow us to train companies and contact with them allows us to update the contents of the training we offer to our students. The Zubigune Foundation allows greater solidity in relationships.

Networking with other centers help. FP centers of Gipuzkoa, through the Association IKASLAN, try to give a joint image. Despite being competition in some cases we try to prioritize the fact that "most competent" to work together.

Participation in international projects open new windows where contrast our practice.

The support of the institutions is key, especially if they are able to understand that relations staff of schools must be appropriate to the time in which we live


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Author Biography

Patxi Vaquerizo, Director del IEFPS USURBIL

Ingeniero Técnico en Máquinas Eléctricas.

33 años de Profesor en el  IEFPS USURBIL, 16 de ellos como  Director. Desde hace 13 años ocupa el cargo de Secretario de la Asociación de Directores de F.P. “IKASLAN” de Gipuzkoa.

How to Cite

Vaquerizo, P. (2014). Vocational training school, company with a passable bridge IEFPS-Usurbil. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (359), 18–22. https://doi.org/10.14422/pym.i359.y2014.004