Two teachers and a half. Reflections about the teacher in the Spanish culture of twentieth century


  • Ignacio Quintanilla Navarro


Propaganda and culture, family-state relation, philosophy of education, pedagogy of philosophy


Spain hasn’t been able to enabling a fundamental consensus about national education like the other big European nations. As Ortega suggested, a left-wing that doesn’t believe in culture sees the teacher just as a publicist of an ideal republic. A right-wing, on the other hand, doesn’t have a model of public education and because of that identifies itself with the educational concert. Under these two dysfunctions are hidden philosophical cartoon of the way of teaching that are trying to be clarified.


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Author Biography

Ignacio Quintanilla Navarro

Doctor en filosofía y licenciado en psicología, ejerce desde hace años como director en el IES Infanta Elena de Galapagar (Madrid). Ha impartido cursos en varias universidades y es profesor invitado de la Escuela de Filosofía de Madrid. Sus áreas de investigación son la filosofía del Barroco y la Ilustración en Europa, la teoría del conocimiento y la filosofía de la técnica. Es autor de varios artículos y monografías sobre todas estas áreas.



How to Cite

Quintanilla Navarro, I. (2012). Two teachers and a half. Reflections about the teacher in the Spanish culture of twentieth century. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (343), 16–19. Retrieved from


