The teaching of philosophy in Spain: results and prospects


  • Emilio Martínez Navarro


Teaching philosophy, Education in Spain, critical thinking, Philosophy for children, Bachillerato, Primary education, Secondary education, Philosophy degree., opinion


Significant changes have ocurred in the education of philosophy in Spain, in recet decades. The plan of study in secondary education not always count with philosophy as a subject, while in universities are offreing, more and more, philosophy as a degree. Now, it’s even posible to find philosophy for children in primary education. All this raises challenges and, also, show us the need of formulate proposals that promote this discipline to improve the integral training of people.


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Author Biography

Emilio Martínez Navarro

Profesor Titular de Filosofía Moral en la Universidad de Murcia. Fue Profesor de Filosofía en Bachillerato (1982-1997), Profesor Invitado en universidades españolas e iberoamaricanas (México, Ecuador, Chile y Uruguay), miembro fundador del Centro de Filosofía para Niños de España, Secretario de Redacción de Daímon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía y autor del libro Ética profesional de los profesores (Bilbao 2010).



How to Cite

Martínez Navarro, E. (2012). The teaching of philosophy in Spain: results and prospects. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (343), 40–43. Retrieved from


