Emotional Competence Teacher´s: the inside revolution


  • Ana Bayón




Teacher Emotional Competence, Emotional Work, Emotional Education, Emotional Focused Therapy


Throughout this article data supporting the value and necessity of developing this emotional competence of teachers as a pillar of the evolution of the current role of the teacher and as a protective factor against burn-out effect in this profession are given. Turn a definition of what the Emotional Competence Teacher´s to expose a clear reference for teachers who wish to start this development in his profession offers. The model of emotional work that follows from the Emotional Focused Therapy (EFT) to the emotional development of the teacher and the emotional work in the classroom is also proposed. Finally some strategies of self-observation for the encouragement of self-consciousness are given.


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Author Biography

Ana Bayón

Actualmente realizando la Tesis Doctoral en Competencia Emocional Docente (UPCo) Formación en Emotion- Focused Therapy Levels I&II (York University – Toronto – Canadá, con Leslie Greenberg). Especialista Universitario en Orientación Psicológica Centrada en la Persona (UPCo). Master en Orientación Educativa (UAH). Licenciada en Pedagogía (UPCo). 

Responsable de la implementación del Programa de Educación Emocional en los centros educativos.

Conferenciante y formadora en Educación Emocional desde hace más de 10 años.

Colaboradora en la editorial Oxford University Press para educación infantil.

Coautora del libro: “Habilidades de Coaching”, Editorial Innovación y Cualificación (2009) (más de 15.000 ejemplares vendidos en España y América, pedidos a www.innovacionycualificacion.com)

Coach emocinal y Terapeuta EFT supervisada por L. Greenberg.




How to Cite

Bayón, A. (2015). Emotional Competence Teacher´s: the inside revolution. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (361), 55–61. https://doi.org/10.14422/pym.i361.y2015.009



Orientación educativa