Teaching English. Teaching thinking


  • Michele C. Guerrini Universidad de Manchester


thinking skills, Bloom, collaborative learning, graphic organizers, stories, experiencies


The primary objective of learning a foreign language is to develop communicative competence, and competence entails the ability to express thoughts. In this article, the author uses Bloom’s taxonomy to create activities that help learners to express thoughts on two levels, lower and higher order learning skills: LOTS and HOTS through specific activities. Activities based on graphic organizers enable learners to express thoughts briefly and visually. They provide scaffolding for activating knowledge, making comparisons, examining cause and effect and summarizing. Asking and answering questions are a major part of all language classes, so the author offers suggestions for developing thinking skills through questioning. Formulating questions on stories reinforces language and cognitive skills while developing literacy when carried out within a framework of collaborative learning. All the activities can be adapted to the learner’s language level and different ages, so teachers are encouraged to experiment with them, and make changes to suit their learners.


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Author Biography

Michele C. Guerrini, Universidad de Manchester

Michele C. Guerrini es directora de MCG Content and Language Network. Se especializa en el desarrollo de materiales para Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) y la formación del profesorado. Ha escrito un curso de primaria con enfoque EFL/CLIL, Comet, y es co-editora de CLIL across Educational Levels. Enseña desarrollo de materiales en el programa de Masters in TEFL de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares y ha impartido cursos de formación en CLIL en varias Comunidades Autónomas. Es doctora en Hispánicas de la Universidad de Pennsylvania y tiene un Masters Educational Technology and ELT de la Universidad de Manchester. a>� snX��@%�mso-ansi-language:EN-GB; font-weight:normal;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold'>undoubtedly, one of the big challenges which the new teachers have to face. Their teachers' vocation demands a commitment with a personal process of permanent training that covers the updating as technical as emotional competitions. A process of training that must be born in each of the teachers through a personal plan of training, but that needs from the unconditional support of the schools. If we love a better future for our pupils it is absolutely necessary that we train to be able to make progress. The present article is an invitation to teachers and schools to move forward together in the teacher-training.




How to Cite

Guerrini, M. C. (2012). Teaching English. Teaching thinking. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (345), 29–33. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/padresymaestros/article/view/545