Leading names in education: Jean Jacques Rousseau
Leadind names in education, Rousseau, El Emilio, social contractAbstract
Rousseau was a phylosopher that defended topics like transformation of de human like a free human, with responsibilities and self-sufficiency. In his most representative works we can distinguish “El contrato social” or “El Emilio”. His thought is linked on one hand to freedom and the human nature but, on the other hand to life, freedom and self-sufficiency. His work stands out the fundamental role that the teacher has on the learning process as well as the primacy of finding spaces that allow physical, comprehensive, intellectual, affective and moral development.Downloads
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How to Cite
Villar Ezcurra, A. (2012). Leading names in education: Jean Jacques Rousseau. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (345). Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/padresymaestros/article/view/549
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