Thinking and educate in a society of uses and abuses


  • Virginia Cagigal de Gregorio Universidad Pontificia Comillas



consumer society, technological society, well-being society, identity, family, education


In educating, both parents and teachers want to know more and more which ones are the ways to help children or pupils to develop as a person, as a complete person, benefiting themselves on Creation. Nowadays there are many opportunities to achieve this goal, but it’s needed to think about some abuses than can possibly install in the subconscious, coming from consumer society, technological society and well-being society. In this article we expose a reflection on the risk of this issues for personal identity development


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Author Biography

Virginia Cagigal de Gregorio, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Es Doctora en Psicología, Especialista en Psicología Clínica. Profesora de Psicología en la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales y Directora y Terapeuta de la UNINPSI (Unidad de Intervención Psicosocial), de esta misma Facultad, en la Universidad Pontificia Comillas

How to Cite

Cagigal de Gregorio, V. (2015). Thinking and educate in a society of uses and abuses. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (363), 25–30.