The book thief


  • Ana Iria García Rivero
  • Carmen Pereira Domínguez



education and cinema


In this article, the author introduces the film 'The book thief'  as a guide of pedagogical intervention. This guide consists on a summary and a specification sheet; a section of topics and values to discuss; activities to watch before the movie; some rules about the development of the cinema-forum; curiosities of interest about the movie and some educational proposals to answer after watching the movie; proposals that are for action and reflection-action. With all this teaching materials, we try to know, understand and value the cinematographic language and its didactic possibilities to educate in values our students not only on formal fields but also on informal ones.


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How to Cite

García Rivero, A. I., & Pereira Domínguez, C. (2015). The book thief. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (363), 58–62.