Leading names in education: Víctor de l’Aveyron and Hean Itard. The wild education.
Leading names in education, Víctor L’Aveyron, Jean Itard, learning, communication.Abstract
In the XIX century appeared in a forest in France a wild boy. Having no communication notions, they decide to take in to “Instituto Imperial de Sordomudos” in París, where the prestigious doctor Jean Itard was. The approach of this doctor consisted in working with the boy socialization and communication. Even though Victor never became a man like the rest, he developed some affection to other persons. He signalized the things he wanted. Itard demonstrated for the first time that, the human being, even in the worst circumstances, is capable to learn.Downloads
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How to Cite
Vázquez Romero, J. M. (2012). Leading names in education: Víctor de l’Aveyron and Hean Itard. The wild education. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (347). Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/padresymaestros/article/view/577
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