Birth And Developement Historical Psychomotricity


  • Silvia Mondelo Manzano



Psychomotor, Psychomotor theoretical approaches, Dialogue tonic, Body-mind, Educational practice, Reeducation practice, Therapeutic practice, Driving expressiveness, Educational coherence,


The first chords of the concept of psychomotor are found in the early twentieth century. Interest in the close relationship between the psychological (mind) and motor (movement) was increasing leading to numerous studies, research and practices. The contributions that shape the different currents in the psychomotor domain are in neuropsychiatry, developmental and psychoanalytic psychology and pedagogy. While this area in its principles and currently as a line of work, is closely linked to the study of disorders and diseases today is a multidisciplinary area that contributes to the maturational development of our children.


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Author Biography

Silvia Mondelo Manzano

Psicomotricista. Psicopedagoga. Maestra en Educación Física. Master en Logopedia.

Profesora de Dinámicas Corporales en el centro de Educación Especial Virgen de Lourdes. Intervención psicopedagógica y psicomotriz con niños y adolescentes.



How to Cite

Mondelo Manzano, S. (2015). Birth And Developement Historical Psychomotricity. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (364), 06–12.