An Inclusive Perspective of the Technology in Our School


  • Juan Luis González Cintado
  • Carolina Montero Bueno
  • Marta Batanero Rodríguez
  • Elisa Montero Bueno
  • Manuel León de la Fuente Martínez
  • Lourdes González Muñoz



Adaptation of curriculum, Inclusion of students, Technology, Methodology, Autism, New Technologies


This article concerns the importance of the different participants which interact in the educational sector.  It highlights the importance of the figure of the PT when it comes to integrating students within the school and encouraging diversity.  Besides this, we have begun to utilize new technologies in the classroom with the goal that education and technology go hand in hand being that both are consistent with the society in which we live.


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Author Biographies

Juan Luis González Cintado

Licenciado en Economía

Carolina Montero Bueno

Maestra especialista en Audición y Lenguaje


Marta Batanero Rodríguez

Maestra especialista en Pedagogía Terapéutica 

Elisa Montero Bueno

Maestra de Audición y Lenguaje 


Manuel León de la Fuente Martínez

Técnico Superior en Integración Social (T.S.I.S.)

Graduado en Trabajo Social

Lourdes González Muñoz

Técnico Superior en Integración Social (T.S.I.S.)

How to Cite

González Cintado, J. L., Montero Bueno, C., Batanero Rodríguez, M., Montero Bueno, E., León de la Fuente Martínez, M., & González Muñoz, L. (2016). An Inclusive Perspective of the Technology in Our School. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (365), 41–48.