Education and Compassion
Education, compassion, justice.Abstract
The last Popes, who have different accents and styles, they have suggested the compassion such as main topic of the Christian life. Juan Pablo II titled his second encyclical Dives in compassion DM (1980) and he put in place the Divine Compassion festivity, and Benedicto XVI called Deus caritas est DCE (2005) to his first encyclical and Caritas in veritate CV (2009) to the third one, he puts the love in the middle of the social doctrine. If Juan XXIII asked for the Catholic Church that it put on “the medicine of the compassion” in the beginning of the Council, Francisco has decided to spend one year for the compassion to encourage the Church’s exit to the inner and outer existential borders.Downloads
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How to Cite
Martínez SJ, J. L. (2016). Education and Compassion. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (366), 77–82.
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