Emotional education for families and teachers.


  • Pilar Rueda Universitat de Lleida
  • Gemma Filella Universitat de Lleida




emotional education, family, teachers, education system.


There are several reasons that induce us to think about the need for an Emotional Education Program next to family and school. In the article we appreciate the current situation of emotional Education in the educational system, the five emotional competences, principles and practical advice to develop it under a family context. Emotions humanize us; it will be wonderful when we can control its excesses and fully enjoy when those moments arrive. This is the key of the Emotional Education.


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How to Cite

Rueda, P., & Filella, G. (2016). Emotional education for families and teachers. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (368), 30–35. https://doi.org/10.14422/pym.i368.y2016.005