The relevance of Educational Psychologist: Specific functions


  • Jesús de la Fuente Arias Universidad de Almería



To understand and approach present-day problems in education it is necessary to distinguish between each professional's specific competences and roles. This will enable us to choose which type of specialist is most suitable when facing particular educational problems, given their complexity. This study attempts to clarify this issue and to inform parents, teachers and administrators about the specific characteristics and competences of the Educational Psychologist – little known as they are, in comparison to other more general profiles - within the current context of the Educational Counseling profession.


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Author Biography

Jesús de la Fuente Arias, Universidad de Almería

Catedrático de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación. Miembro de la División de Psicológica Educativa. Consejo General de Colegios de Psicología de España

How to Cite

Fuente Arias, J. de la. (2017). The relevance of Educational Psychologist: Specific functions. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (369), 7–13.