Management by Public Institute of Secondary Education


  • Mª Dolores Requena Ciudad Escolar de Madrid


Intellectual autonomy, moral autonomy, inductive discipline, educational community welfare system, internal and external communication, containment center.


The author, who is the Principal of a state High School  at Madrid, analyzes some aspects of her own experiences: A. The consideraton of   Education as an instrument for social change. B. The understanding of  educatve goal as increasing the intellectual and moral autonomy of the students, what has developed the teaching methodology and a certain model of coexistence and discipline. C. The assumption that managers´ mission mainly consists in improving the best School organization and conditions to achieve its goals and, at the same time, in stimulating the welfare of the whole educative community; it has been necessary, therefore, to clarify the functions of each professional, to establish a good communicational frame, inside and outside, and  to promote the participation of the whole community. C. The role of the directors in critical situations as the first and the last responsible in order to lead and to control the situation, achieving professionals to remain on their task and reminding the School´s goals.  


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Author Biography

Mª Dolores Requena, Ciudad Escolar de Madrid

Licenciada en Filosofía y Letras, especialidad Pedagogía, es actualmente Profesora de Enseñanza Secundaria, especialidad Intervención Sociocomunitaria.  Ha sido Jefa de Estudios en un colegio concertado de la Fundación Hogar del Empleado, Directora del internado de la Diputación Provincial de Madrid y actualmente Directora del IES Ciudad Escolar en Madrid. Es socia fundadora de Acción Educativa. Ha participado durante seis años en el Seminario de Armando Bauleo  dedicado al  “Análisis de grupos e instituciones”.  Es autora de diferentes artículos y libros relacionados con su actividad profesional.



How to Cite

Requena, M. D. (2013). Management by Public Institute of Secondary Education. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (350), 23–27. Retrieved from