The school management, lights and shadows


  • Avelino Sarasúa Ortega


School direction, pedagogical leadership, emotional leadership, independence, administration project.


School management is a key element for teaching and the results of the schools. The model of management must be consistent with the school model. Leading a school is a completely different profession from teaching. The director of a school has some functions and responsibilities, whose performance requires some specific skills and competences.  An independent school that has a project-based management needs a director with a strong, pedagogical, transformational and emotional leadership. The administration project is a requirement and a tool for each director to plan, to keep track and to evaluate the development of their functions.


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Author Biography

Avelino Sarasúa Ortega

Profesor de EGB, licenciado en Psicopedagogía

Maestro, director de centro, asesor de formación, inspector de Educación.

Áreas de su especialidad: dirección escolar y sus competencias y técnicas de dirección. Currículo y evaluación, Planteamientos Instituciones (proyecto educativo y los diferentes elementos que los integran), competencias básicas.

Autor de libros y artículos sobre estos temas.



How to Cite

Sarasúa Ortega, A. (2013). The school management, lights and shadows. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (350), 41–44. Retrieved from