About the Journal

Pensamiento is a journal fundamentally oriented to the publication of everything that has a broad relationship with philosophy. It is not a culturalist, current or miscellaneous journal, but rather oriented towards the publication of scientific research articles, normally produced in academic university settings, but not only. Its articles, notes, bibliographical comments or chronicles always relate to a serious, rigorous, scientific, academic approach to philosophy. Its authors and collaborators have arisen in part from those institutions of the Society of Jesus that support and edit it, but not only, since from its first years of existence Pensamiento has been open to all. It has been a vehicle of expression where they have published important articles by philosophers and university professors, both from Spain and preferably from Latin America. Pensamiento, at present, remains open to the publication of any quality articles that are offered. It publishes three ordinary numbers a year. Since 2007 it has been publishing a special volume within the series: Science, Philosophy and Religion.

Pensamiento is found, among others, in the following international and national indexes and databases: Web of Science Core Collection (Clarivate Analytics): Arts & Humanities Citation Index. SCOPUS (Elsevier). Current Contents Connect (WoS). PERIODICAL INDEX ONLINE (ProQuest). INTERNATIONALE BIBLIOGRAPHIE DER GEISTES IBZ. REPERTOIRE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE DE LA PHILOSOPHIE DE LOUVAIN. PHILOSOPHER'S INDEX (The Philosopher's center). CBUC (Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya). INDICEs CSIC. DIALNET. LATINDEX. ULRICH'S (ProQuest). MIAR (System for quantitative measurement of the visibility of periodical publications in Social Sciences: ICDS diffusion index of Pensamiento: 11.0). REDIB. DOAJ (Directory of Open Journal).

Focus & Scope

Pensamiento has always been, and continues to be, a journal of a scientific and research nature, within the general methodology of philosophical studies, the specific methodology of its different sub-disciplines, as well as that of those other related disciplines in connection to interdisciplinary philosophy, such as the natural and human sciences. Therefore, the publication criteria are clear: scientific seriousness and methodological rigor in research. It is what responds to the university-level articles that deal, without restriction, on the classic themes of philosophy and on the new issues and challenges that are posed to philosophical thought today. Thus: history of philosophy in all its stages, currents and cultural traditions, study of the great philosophers; logic and theory of argumentation, theory of knowledge, epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of nature, first philosophy, ontology, metaphysics, theodicy, philosophy of religion, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of mind, ethics and moral philosophy, political philosophy, aesthetics and theory of the arts, philosophy of culture, philosophy of history, philosophy of law, philosophy of economics, communication, etc. In Pensamiento there is also room for essayistic and creative contributions, but if they respond to the criteria of scientific and university quality that characterize its own style. Pensamiento's editorial profile is open without ideological restrictions and aims to be one more editorial medium, along with many others existing in Spain, that encourages a rigorous exposition of ideas that enriches dialogue and philosophical-scientific opinion. It publishes, therefore, every type of opinion and scientific and philosophical position, as well as lines of interpretation of the story and of the authors. The only editorial requirement is scientific seriousness, the rigor of analysis and argumentation, as well as respect and the human quality of the style. Although the actuality is not a determining criterion for a journal like Pensamiento, nevertheless, its editorial policy will tend to ensure that the great intellectual and philosophical questions raised in our historical moment can be followed through its pages.

Open Access Policy

Pensamiento provides Diamond Open Access to its content, based on the principle of offering society open access to research contributes to the global exchange of knowledge.

Self-archiving permission

Authors are recommended to publish the post-print articles version (the editor's version) on the internet (for example, in institutional repositories or personal web pages) immediately after their publication to contribute to their wider dissemination, quoting appropriately the original source (including the full URL of the article’s DOI).

Article Processing Charges

There is no charge for submission articles. Nor by editing or publishing them in open access (APC).

Interoperability protocol

Pensamiento offers a metadata harvesting service to other research platforms through the OAI-PMH protocol found in the following URL https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/pensamiento/oai
Metadata is provided in the following formats: Dublin Core, MARC, and MARC21.


Pensamiento utilizes the LOCKSS system to store and distribute its content across participating libraries, ensuring long-term preservation and access https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/pensamiento/gateway/lockss