Paul Valéry’s Theory of Poetic Action
poetics, action, production, reception.Abstract
This article purports to show that Paul Valéry’s poetic art is, in the end, a theory of poeticaction in which the main concern revolves around the work in progress rather than in the final product. Todo so, we follow the poet’s critique (with deep wittgensteinian elements) of classic aesthetics’ stance on beauty and taste. In our view, this reflection results in Valéry’s proposal of a poetics which can be explained in three moments: poiein of reception – the recipient as producer; poiein in its proper sense – the produceras creator of the work and him/herself; and artificialist poiein – the creator as opposed to natural creation.Valéry’s emphasis on poiesis and, therefore, on the action exerted upon what is being done, makes his proposal also an ethical assertion: the artist’s action, his/her discipline whilst producing, create both thework and the artist. Thus, the spirit will also be a never-ending work in progress.Downloads
Obra de Paul Valéry
OEuvres, vols. I y II, Gallimard, Paris, 1960.
Cahiers, vols. I y II, Pléiade, 1973.
Estudios filosóficos, Visor, 1993.
Teoría poética y estética, Visor, 1990.
Escritos sobre Leonardo da Vinci, Visor, 1987.
Bibliografía sobre Valéry
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