The Origins of the Human. The Genetic Method of Giambattista Vico




origin, human, philology, rationality, orality, writing


This article explains the genetic method of Vico as a dialectic between two elements: on the one hand, a philology that expands its reach due to a novel conception of the relation between orality and writing; and, on the other, a philosophy that is conceived as a metaphysics of the mind. The articulation between these disciplines allows the author to access the origins of the human, while simultaneously performing a critique of modern rationality, which has evinced its incapacity to interpret the mentality of the first settlers. Vico’s challenge is thus to refine and adjust the mode of comprehension of our remote origins, and to account for the complexity of the human and its historic dimension, without sacrificing the configuration of a science.


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How to Cite

Brigante Rovida, A. (2021). The Origins of the Human. The Genetic Method of Giambattista Vico. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 76(292), 1409–1423.