A Contribution from the African Cultural Philosophy towards a Harmonious Coexistence in Pluralistic Societies





African philosophy, relatedness, coexistence, peace-building, conflict resolution


This paper presents a comprehensive review of the African cultural philosophy. The aim of the study is to focus on identifying the elements present in the African ontology and epistemology which may contribute towards the consecution of a harmonious coexistence in the increasing plurality of today society. Based on an understanding of reality in which everything dwells in complementarity, interdependence and mutuality, the African worldview approaches difference and particularity as opportunities for mutual growth and cooperation. The acknowledgement of such an intimate mutual relatedness among all human groups which form a given society is the African key to understand the process towards coexistence. This sheds light on the understanding of social dialogue, the peacebuilding processes, and the means for the resolution of conflicts.


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Author Biography

Fermín Rodríguez López, Facultad de Teología de Granada

Profesor auxiliar de la Facultad de Teología de Granada.
Miembro del Departamento de Teología Dogmática e Historia.
Miembro Investigador de la Cátedra Andaluza para el Diálogo de las Religiones (Candir).
Miembro del Grupo de Investigación “Islam and Society in Contemporary Spain” de la Plateforme Universitaire de Recherche sur L’Islam en Europe et au Liban (PLURIEL).
Miembro del Cluster ‘Islam y Cristianismo’ del Programa Higher Education for Social Transformation (HEST) de los Jesuitas en Europa.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez López, F. . (2020). A Contribution from the African Cultural Philosophy towards a Harmonious Coexistence in Pluralistic Societies. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 76(288), 165–185. https://doi.org/10.14422/pen.v76.i288.y2020.009



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