Personal Freedom beyond Limits


  • Juan Fernando Sellés Universidad de Navarra


freedom, intimacy, act of being, link, destiny.


In this work we distinguish between freedom in the human manifestations (intelligence, will,actions) and personal freedom in the personal intimacy. This second is beyond the freedom reached bythe classic and modern thought, since it takes root in the personnel act of being. Because of it, it is not possible to characterize this freedom like the classic description as ‘domain over the own acts’, becauseit is a description of ‘categorial’ order; neither like present day ‘autonomy’ or ‘independence’, becausethe existence of one person alone is impossible, since ‘person’ means relation, personal free openingto other persons, description of the ‘transcendental’ order and, therefore, to the margin of limits.


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How to Cite

Sellés, J. F. (2013). Personal Freedom beyond Limits. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 68(255). Retrieved from



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