Revisiting the neuro-turn in the humanities and natural sciences


  • David Budtz Pedersen University of Copenhagen


In the last twenty years there has been an unprecedented advance in neuroscience, infields such as pharmacology, neurology and behavioural genetics. A growing number of ethicists, legal scholars and philosophers have begun to analyse the implications of these advances; from the use off MRI scanning to the way in which scientific disciplines are organised in order to deliver techno-economic innovation. Drawing on recent contributions in philosophy of science and science policy studies I arguethat much like the optimism surrounding the benefit of advances in pharmaco genomics and gene therapy, there is a risk of overstating the real impact and explanatory power of advances in the neurosciences.


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How to Cite

Budtz Pedersen, D. (2013). Revisiting the neuro-turn in the humanities and natural sciences. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 67(254 S.Esp), 767–786. Retrieved from