Principles of minimal cognition in smart slime molds and social bacteria


  • Óscar Castro García Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona


Umwelt, subjectual, enaction, haptic perception, Weber-Fechner Law, bio-fenomenology


The perception of the environment as well as sensorimotor coordination of unicellularsorganisms competence as the foundation of a cognitive principle that goes beyond minimum metabolicprocesses. I study the recognition of the environment in case of slime mold and bacteria as significantlearning processes in differentiating between hostile environment or optimal and physical transformationsof each agency on the basis of received signals in both the membrane and within the agencies.Sensorimotor coordination mechanisms of metabolic adaptation expanded shapes. Some of these coordination mechanisms are linked to the perception with the environment through pulses, as temporal processing of signals.


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How to Cite

Castro García, Óscar. (2013). Principles of minimal cognition in smart slime molds and social bacteria. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 67(254 S.Esp), 787–797. Retrieved from