The material foundation of ethics in Hans Jonas and Max Scheller. Two responses to Kant from the 20th century


  • Miguel Armando Martínez Gallego Departamento de Filosofía Teorética Universidad Complutense de Madrid



feeling, value, ethical formalism, material ethics, ethics of responsibility, Jonas, Scheler, Kant


The metaphysical foundation of Hans Jonas’ ethics of responsibility is grounded on certain presuppositions: everything theoretical (founded on the reason or intellect) is considered to be objective, while every content of value (founded on affectivity) is considered to be merely subjective. Taking account of Max Scheler’s critique of these same assumptions in Immanuel Kant’s ethical formalism, it is my purpose to discuss them and to show how they implicitly dismiss the true foundation of morality, which lies in an objective as well as affective knowledge of material value qualities — intentional objects given in acts of feeling (Fühlen).


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Jonas, H. (1979). Das Prinzip Verantwortung: Versuch einer Ethik für die technologische Zivilisation, Insel, Frankfurt am Main (1ª ed. en Shurkamp Taschenbuch, 1984). (Trad. de Andrés Sánchez Pascual: El principio de responsabilidad. Ensayo de una ética para la civilización tecnológica. Barcelona: Herder, 2008.)

Palacios, J. M. (2008). «Ética material y ética empírica: Kant y Scheler», en: Bondad moral e inteligencia ética. Nueve ensayos de la ética de los valores. Madrid: Encuentro.

Rath, M. (1993). «La triple signification du mot “valeur” dans Das Prinzip Verantwortung de Hans Jonas et la psychologisation en éthique», en: Hottois, G. et Pinsart, M.-G. (coord.): Hans Jonas. Nature et responsabilité. Paris: Vrin, pp. 131-140.

Scheler, M. (1916). Der Formalismus in der Ethik und die materiale Wertethik. Neuer Versuch der Grundlegung eines ethischen Personalismus, Max Niemeyer, Halle (Gesammelte Werke, Band 2, 7. durchges. und überab. Aufl., hrsg. von Manfred S. Frings, Bonn Bouvier, 2000). (Trad. de Hilario Rodríguez Sanz: Ética. Nuevo ensayo de fundamentación de un personalismo ético. Madrid: Caparrós, 2001).



How to Cite

Martínez Gallego, M. A. (2019). The material foundation of ethics in Hans Jonas and Max Scheller. Two responses to Kant from the 20th century. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 75(283 S.Esp), 269–287.



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