Symbolic logic, diabolical logic. The border reason as a response to postmodernity


  • Jonatan Caro Rey Universidad de Deusto



border reason, post modernity, limit, disjunction, symbolism, religion


The purpose of this article is to show how the redefinition that Eugenio Trias has made of rationality in terms of «border reason» (razónfronteriza) has a deeper meaning if understood as an alternative to the postmodern drifts of rationality. In spite of the fact that this hypothesis can have a practical point of view, this paper is only pointing out the theoretical aspect of border reason. For this reason, an intertextual analysis has been made of the mature works of the philosophy of the limit, and this allows to understand some passages that, if read in isolation, can be ambiguous or incomprehensible. The conclusion of this study shows that an opening towards a «symbolic supplement» (in its artistic, but above all in its religious aspect) reveals its coherence and its most genuine hermeneutics if it is interpreted in the light of the controversy that the philosophy of the limit has with postmodernism.


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How to Cite

Caro Rey, J. (2019). Symbolic logic, diabolical logic. The border reason as a response to postmodernity. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 75(283 S.Esp), 487–503.



Parte cuarta. La religión y la condición natural del hombre