The relationship between philosophy, science and religion: theoretical approach from the study of Mariano Artigas and Alexandre Koyre


  • Fernanda Tusa Jumbo Universidad Técnica de Machala
  • Xavier Briceño Castillo Universidad Técnica de Machala
  • Eduardo Tusa Jumbo Universidad Técnica de Machala



Koyré, Artigas, God, philosophy, science


This article proposes a theoretical approach about the relationship between philosophy, science and religion in the evolution of human history and postmodern culture. Using a grounded research theory by mean of the analysis of few texts such as: Assumptions and implications of scientific progress written by Mariano Artigas, spanish philosopher, and the texts: Thinking Science and The influence of philosophical concepts in scientific theories written by Alexandre Koyre, russian historian, this article explores the following thesis: a harmonic triangle among God, philosophy and science not only supports the evolution of contemporary scientific advances but also is necessary to restore a historic period might be called new renaissance, linked, as said Artigas, influenced by three highly symbiotic components: spiritual dimension of human life, objective search for truth and the existence of ethical values, which help to citizenships to development a good humanity service.


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How to Cite

Tusa Jumbo, F., Briceño Castillo, X., & Tusa Jumbo, E. (2019). The relationship between philosophy, science and religion: theoretical approach from the study of Mariano Artigas and Alexandre Koyre. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 75(283 S.Esp), 533–542.



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