The heft of materiality in the writing and the thinking of Jacques Derrida
materiality, writing, idealism, deconstruction, atom, vacuum, movementAbstract
It’s not a simple task to trace in Jacques Derrida’s writing the existence of thought other the materiality. However, in this article, I will try to outline at least Derrida’s more general thinking. At the start, this involves following those more traditional elements of thought, typically associated with the pre-Socratic tradition, usually found inherently in Derrida’s deconstructive writing. Therefore, in this context, I will examine such notions as those of atoms, vacuum as well as movement included in different times and within contemporary frameworks and understanding of the divisibility and fragmentation of existence. I intend to examine these considerations and their relationship with deconstructive writing in order to establish the quasi-transcendental nature of matter.
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