From reciprocity to mutuality: children’s recognition through a turn in their conception




children, reciprocal recognition, mutual recognition, agape, formal education


The recognition of children is an essential task in current societies, especially, in the West. In this sense, a renewal in children’s conception is proposed in order to provoke a turn in the way they are perceived, affirming them as active and participatory subjects. A renewal that will be considered necessary in all areas, although, in these pages, the emphasis will be put on formal education. To promote the recognition of children, the text will recover the reciprocal recognition of Honneth, which will be complemented with the mutual recognition of Ricoeur, according to which, through a study of love as agape, he will understand that recognition must be given free, not in response to a previously received recognition or expecting something in return. This interpretation is the one that will be applied, in these pages, to the recognition of children, with which the text will move from reciprocity towards mutuality.


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Author Biography

Sonia París Albert, Universitat Jaume I

Departamento de Filosofía y Sociología
Directora de la Cátedra UNESCO de Filosofía para la Paz


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How to Cite

París Albert, S. (2023). From reciprocity to mutuality: children’s recognition through a turn in their conception. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 79(303), 517–534.



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