The non-apophantic contribution of the affective attunement and the selfhood of Dasein: phenomenological analysis from the structural moment being-in


  • Juan José Garrido Periñán Universidad de Sevilla



affective attunement, being-in, selfhood, facticity


This meditation would like to emphasize that plus derived from understanding of Dasein, which seems to deepen the affective attunement, in order to watch the possibility of thematization of Dasein’s Selfhood. This possibility is understood from the affective attunement and as a Non- Apophantic contribution. On other hand, the Selfhood of Dasein is conceived as possibility of catching up a choice, through a comprehensive-executive act called transparency. This kind of attempt is exercised within the intrinsic limits of the existential being-in developed in Heidegger’s greatest work: Being and Time.


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How to Cite

Garrido Periñán, J. J. (2019). The non-apophantic contribution of the affective attunement and the selfhood of Dasein: phenomenological analysis from the structural moment being-in. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 75(285), 887–911.


