An approach to the notions of anxiety and despair in Sören Kierkegaard and his role in the concrete relations with the other of Jean Paul Sartre


  • María Fernanda Guevara Riera Universidad Católica Andrés Bello



despair, existentialism, anxiety, others, Sartre, Kierkegaard


In the following article we will analyze the notions of anxiety and despair developed by Sören Kierkegaard in The Concept of Anxiety and in the Treaty of Despair in order to highlight their importance for this Danish author and, in turn, we will glimpse his determinant role in the concrete relations with the others described by Jean-Paul Sartre in the Being and the Nothingness. Our working hypothesis states that Sartre follows the Kierkergaardian structure for despair and therefore he condemns to failure the relations with the others. We consider that notions of anxiety and despair of Kierkegaard analyzed in this article are the core of the problem for the French author, because, only by studying them, it will be possible to discuss and intervene the concept of bad faith in Sartre that determines the failure of concrete relationships with the others in Being and Nothingness.


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How to Cite

Guevara Riera, M. F. (2019). An approach to the notions of anxiety and despair in Sören Kierkegaard and his role in the concrete relations with the other of Jean Paul Sartre. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 75(285), 931–945.



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