Hermeneutical keys for the analysis of the articles on Iran by M. Foucault
general will, Islamic government, political spirituality, conversionAbstract
The present text intends, through reading the articles of the Iran affair, to establish some keys to understanding Foucault’s thought. In the first place, it is necessary to emphasize the existence of a general will of the Iranian people not to be governed in the way they had been, thus leaving their minority. Second, we make the analysis of the Islamic government concept and its misinterpretation by intellectuals, especially French, of the time. Third, the importance of the religion as a normalizer of the identity of the people, which faces the ideals of modernization, secularism and nationalism of the ruling order of the Shah. And, finally, the notion of political spirituality that arises from the previous concepts and that supposes not only the radical transformation of the country after the uprising, but the authentic conversion of the subject.
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