Brain and conciousness: an integrative proposal between Damasio and Zubiri




expanded consciousness, neuroscience, intimacy, sentient intelligence


The study of the nervous system and their functions is fascinating and complex. One of the most intriguing issues is how neurobiology produces conscious states. To study the behaviour of the complex problem of conciousness, we must have knowledge both in neuroanatomy, physiology lingüistics and philosophy, which makes it a feared problem which is occasionally ignored by sciencists and philosophers. But despising of the problem, far from sorting it out, leads to a reductionist reflection, that tries to see a dilemma where there is, actually, a problem. In this article, we intend to connect neurosciences and philosophy, in order to understand each contribution on this matter and, at the same time, systematize the knowledge obtained through this relation. Therefore, we will focus on Damásio’s work, especially in his concept of «expanded conciousness», and on the philosophy of Zubiri, and his concepts of «biography», «sentient intelligence», and «intimacy».


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Author Biographies

António Jácomo, Instituto de Bioética - Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Doutoramento em Filosofia e Letras. Mestrado em Estudos Europeus. Licenciatura em Filosofia e Teologia.  Investigador do Instituto de Bioética da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Membro da Comissão de Ética do Hospital Escola Fernando Pessoa. Foi investigador na Universidade de Lisboa e na Universidade de Oxford.

Carlos Sanmartín Catalán, Universitat de València

Facultat de Filosofía i Ciencies de la Educació. Departament de Filosofía


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How to Cite

Jácomo, A., & Sanmartín Catalán, C. (2021). Brain and conciousness: an integrative proposal between Damasio and Zubiri. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 77(295 Extra), 573–585.