The Meaning of Love


  • Andrés Ortiz-Osés Universidad de Deusto



love, friendship, affection, ritual, icon, transcendence, God


Pavel Florensky was an outstanding Russian writer, philosopher, scientist and theologian. Born in Russia in 1882, he was executed by the soviet regime in 1937. He was influenced by Leo Tolstoy, and was a colleague of Mikhail Bulgakov. A married Orthodox priest, Florensky´s work is only recently becoming widely known, above all The Pillar and Ground of Truth. I discovered his multifaceted thought through an Italian friend, Nunzio, who gave me a copy of The polyphonic thinking of P. Florensky. I was surprised by the interest of this genuinely multi-faceted thinker, whose musical key is in the radical idea of relation, which reminded me of our own Angel Amor Ruibal, because relation separates and repairs all things and their antinomies, even if in Russian relation is constituted through symbolism, and a symbolism of platonic-christian signs. Indeed, Florensky´s Platonism is an incarnated Platonism, and thus an incarnating idealism, according to which phenomenal immanence must be joined to noumenal transcendence, and vice versa, according to the motto proper to all Christian humanism: protecting the divine is protecting the human.


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Florenski P. (2010). La columna y el fundamento de la verdad. Salamanca: Sígueme.

Boswelll, J. (1994). Same sex-unions in premodern Europa. New York: Villard.

Bray, A. (2003). The friend, University Chicago and London.

Florenskij Una risposta alle sfide del presente. Atti del Convegno per gli 80 anni dalla morte, PFTS University Press, Cagliari 2018

Oppo A., «Platone e Kant nell´epistemologia di Florenski», en: Varios, Il pensiero polifónico de Pavel Florenskij.ed.cit.

VV. AA. (2018). Il pensiero polifonico di Pavel Florenskij, PFTS University Press, Cagliari 2018.

Valentino N., «Amicizia e liturgia in P. Florenskij», en: VV. AA., Il pensiero polifónico de Pavel Florenskij.ed.cit.



How to Cite

Ortiz-Osés, A. (2020). The Meaning of Love. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 75(286 Extra), 1033–1037.