La difícil empresa de traducir «Del sentimiento trágico de la vida». En torno a unas cartas inéditas entre Miguel de Unamuno y sus traductores

The difficult Task of Translating «The Tragic Sense of Life». With reference to unpublished Letters between Miguel de Unamuno and his translators




History of Spanish Philosophy, Unamuno, Epistolary, Translation, The tragic sense of life


During Miguel de Unamuno’s life time, his book The tragic sense of life was translated into seven languages. This allowed his translators to contact him to comment on the work as well as to share with him some problems involved. The epistolary preserved between Unamuno and his translators offers us an invaluable source of knowledge to understand better the genesis and scope of what, according to Unamuno, was «his major work». Thanks to the discovery of some unpublished letters, we can reconstruct the process of translation of The tragic sense of life whit all the events at the beginning of the 20th century taking place.


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How to Cite

Martín Gómez, M. (2024). La difícil empresa de traducir «Del sentimiento trágico de la vida». En torno a unas cartas inéditas entre Miguel de Unamuno y sus traductores: The difficult Task of Translating «The Tragic Sense of Life». With reference to unpublished Letters between Miguel de Unamuno and his translators. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 79(304), 1349–1370.



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