The recovery of symbols from Golden Age in the work of Jorge Luis Borges


  • Miguel Antón Moreno Universidad Internacional de La Rioja



Golden age, Barroque, symbols, library, dreams, maps, mirrors, labyrinths, Cervantes, Quevedo, Calderón, irony


Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) has always been linked to non-hispanic authors such as De Quincey, Stevenson, Whitman, Chesterton, Coleridge or Poe. His anglophilia is well known. Borges is also related with the language of Goethe or with the arabic culture and the One Thousand and One Nights. However, assuming his own sentence «my destiny is the spanish language, Francisco de Quevedo’s bronze», we will investigate the decisive influence that the spanish literature of the Barroque and the Golden Age had in the work of the argentine writter, and how the symbols of the XVII century are recovered in the reconstructivist literature of Borges to continue with the tradition and at the same time transform its meaning.


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How to Cite

Antón Moreno, M. (2022). The recovery of symbols from Golden Age in the work of Jorge Luis Borges. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 78(300 Extra), 1381–1389.