The notion of victim from a violence on the body perspective




victim, person, body, ideology, violence


The purpose of this article is to assess the following question: What is the relationship between the notion of the victim and the violence that is exerted on his body? To study this question we begin our inquiry in the studies by Giorgio Agamben and Roberto Esposito to propose a hermeneutical framework that allows a new comprehension of the victim condition, exemplified in two contexts: the Nazi concentration camps (based on the testimonies collected by Primo Levi) and the armed conflict in Colombia (based on the testimonies recognized by the Historical Memory Center). Among the most interesting results found in this reflection is the role of language on the dispossession of the quality of person of the victim and the underlying ideology of the victimization process that materializes in the victim’s body.


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How to Cite

Buitrago Arria, D., & Jiménez Guzmán, C. (2023). The notion of victim from a violence on the body perspective. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 79(303), 313–332.


