Subject, subjectivation and ontology of ourselves

An open and unfinished reflection




subject, subjectivation, historical ontology, actuality


The purpose of this paper is to analyse the concepts of subject, subjectivation and historical ontology of ourselves. These categories are essential in Foucault’s research of the 80-84 years. In the same way, from these concepts Foucault interprets the subject in an alternating way to the way it was configured in the West. Indeed, in his intense researches he finds in the modern tradition, Baudelaire and Kant, clues to consider the subject not as a static data, but as someone who is managed through historical processes that delineate it and that enable it to be built, to be selfelaborated, that is, through processes of subjectivation. Finally, the ancient tradition, that is to say, the Greco-Latin tradition, offers substantial theoretical elements to reflect on the conditions under which lifestyles can be configured, styles of existence that operate as axes of resistance to the forms that have been given to us.


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How to Cite

Delgado Rubio, E., & Dionicio Lozano, M. F. (2020). Subject, subjectivation and ontology of ourselves: An open and unfinished reflection . Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 76(290 Extra), 505–520.