Methodological nominalism Michel Foucault: micro and macro


  • Darío Peralta Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento



nominalism, model war, government, neoliberalism, macro and microphysics of power


Beyond the three themes (knowledge, power and subject), governmentality introduces new questions that complicate the philosophy of Michel Foucault. The ups and downs of this stage prior to the issue of subjectivity will be investigated. There the problem of population and bio-power advertised, but is diluted address the topic of the government’s relationship with the state, and especially of neoliberalism in Germany and the US in 50s. These transformations due to two methodological components: nominalism and historical discontinuity. The relationships between three power devices (legal mechanism sovereignty, disciplinary and government security) and its historical changes will be studied. It argues that the three devices would be connected in a triangular system with sufficient complementarity. On the contrary, tensions will be emphasized, although this does not diminish the development in two planes, which are called macro- and microphysics of power.


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How to Cite

Peralta, D. . (2020). Methodological nominalism Michel Foucault: micro and macro. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 76(290 Extra), 619–633.