From the «Death of Man» to Transhumanism. The Foucaultian Parrhesia in the face of Homo Deus’ Pretense


  • José Antonio Pérez Tapias Universidad de Granada



Foucault, humanism, transhumanism, digital cultura, criticism


The current debate about transhumanism makes necessary to take into account the thought of Foucault. After his criticism to the modern humanism, the last Foucault leads to think in «other humanism» at the service of that «other life» which, due to a reason of dignity and self-fulfillment desires, is proposed by philosophy as its undeniable task. The courage or audacity for the truth, cornerstone in Foucault’s conception of an «activist philosophy», allows in turn for a reconsideration of the task of criticism in the public opinion of a digital culture, taking into account possibilities and risks of the technological civilisation in the time of «big data» and artificial intelligence.


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How to Cite

Pérez Tapias, J. A. . (2020). From the «Death of Man» to Transhumanism. The Foucaultian Parrhesia in the face of Homo Deus’ Pretense. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 76(290 Extra), 657–677.