Spanish Literary Baroque as a solution of some detected problems in the subjective turn of the latest Michel Foucault


  • Óscar Barroso Fernández Universidad de Granada



Foucault, baroque, subjectivity, self-care, self-knowledge, cynicism, stoicism


An aporia inherent to the subjective turn of the last Foucault caused by the simultaneous sustenance of two incompatible senses of the irreducibility of the subject and, therefore, of its possible emancipation will be analyzed: in some cases it is possible to refer to processes of subjectivation external to the forms of subjectivity generated by power (strong sense); but, in others, the processes of emancipation cannot be thought beyond resistance to power (weak sense). The hypothesis of the work is that the aporia is produced by the gradual marginalization of the problem of self-knowledge in the subject of self-care, which, as a result, happens to be understood exclusively from cynical practices. But when the self-knowledge it is reduced, the problem of self-care, which sustained the strong notion of subjectivity, is also eliminated. It will be shown that in the Spanish literary and neo-stoic baroque we can find elements to recover it.


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How to Cite

Barroso Fernández, Óscar . (2020). Spanish Literary Baroque as a solution of some detected problems in the subjective turn of the latest Michel Foucault. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 76(290 Extra), 679–696.