An integrated solution from the islamic mysticism to the problems stated by the averroist theory of the «intellect in potency»


  • Carlos I. Medina Labayru Universidad de Valparaíso


ʼirfān, tasāwwaf, intellect in potency, Averroes


The present article shows the internal consistency of the tasāwwaf iŝrāqiʼs theory of images, with the outstanding Averroist’s theory of the intellect in potency. Secondly, it points out that the eschatology elaborated by the irfān šīʻi aligned with Mullā Sādra, validates, in particular, a holistic vision that includes the theory of images – in ālam al-mitālʼs conception – and the Averroes thesis about the separate character of intellect in potency. The result of this is a summarised vision, from the Islamic point of view, since it explains the problem of knowledge and human existence not only from the gnoseological point of view but also in its ontological aspects


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Introducción de libros

MARTÍNEZ LORCA, ANDRÉS (2004): «Introducción en Averroes», en: Sobre el Intelecto, Madrid, Trotta.

Recursos electrónicos

CORBIN, HENRY (1993): La imaginación creadora en el sufismo de Ibn Arabi (fragmentos),

How to Cite

Medina Labayru, C. I. (2013). An integrated solution from the islamic mysticism to the problems stated by the averroist theory of the «intellect in potency». Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 67(254 S.Esp), 901–924. Retrieved from