Release of solitude and the vacuum in the philosophy of Krishnamurti


  • Manuel Suances Marcos Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia


Krishnamurti, lonelinness, emptiness, love


The experience of loneliness and emptiness is one of the most serious problems of human existence. It's something structurally overwhelming, suffocating and an impediment to happiness. Krishnamurti shows with special finesse the nuances of this destructive reality. To avoid confusion, he distinguishes this solitude, the object of study, which is the insulating and disturbing solitude from the other full and creative solitude. Distinguishes the two English words «lonelinness» and «alone» respectively. The author analyzes in depth the very fact of loneliness, awareness of our emptiness: how the personal experience and isolation is unbearable. This feeling of not fitting in and feeling alone is a heritage of every human being. It affects everyone and forever. It's like an agony that shakes the man and leads to multiple forms of escape: obsessive activity, belonging to individuals, groups, nation, religion, attachment to family, friends, and ideals. None of these outputs solve the problem, but rather deepen it. He then addresses the causes of loneliness and emptiness such as the poor relations of dependency, self-centered activity and attachment to the past. And from here he addresses the challenge posed by the problem. A challenge that is overcome by understanding loneliness and emptiness, seeing them and watching them from within, not from outside. They are something of ourselves. We are the loneliness and emptiness. From that understanding that leads to communion with the problem emerges a loving way that transforms this solitude an space of silence, beauty and love. And thus appears creative aloneness that in silence links man with everything and everyone, with the entire universe.


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KRISHNAMURTI, Obras completas, Buenos Aires, Kier, 1994-2000. Tomo II, Que es la recta razón. Tomo IV, El observador es lo observado. Tomo VI, El origen del conflicto.

— Reflexiones sobre el ser, Buenos Aires, Errepan, 1999.

— El amor y la soledad, Buenos Aires, Planeta, 1996.

— Comentarios sobre el vivir, tres tomos, Buenos Aires, Kier, 1992-1994.

— La libertad primera y última, Barcelona, Kairós, 1996.

— La persecución del placer, Buenos Aires, Kier, 1994.

— El propósito de la educación, Barcelona, Edhasa, 1992.

— La libertad interior, Barcelona, Kairós, 1994.

— Sólo la verdad trae la libertad, Buenos Aires, Kier, 1994.

— Diario I, México, Sudamericana, 1992.

— El libro de la vida, Madrid, Edaf, 1996.

— Libertad total, Barcelona, Kairós, 1997.

— Limpia tu mente, Barcelona, Martínez Roca, 1999.

How to Cite

Suances Marcos, M. (2013). Release of solitude and the vacuum in the philosophy of Krishnamurti. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 67(254 S.Esp), 925–957. Retrieved from