Einstein, Gödel, Heidegger. Some observations about the concept of time


  • Diego Malquori Universitat Ramon Llull


Einstein, Gödel, Heidegger, cosmology, time, temporality


In this article we focus on some of the paths which help us to understand the philosophical question of time. The interpretative frame is composed of Einstein’s theory of relativity, against which we have the observations of Gödel and Heidegger on this new Gestalt. One of the thesis that we try to support – according to some surprising remarks by Gödel – is that the theory of relativity in some way originates also from a critical analysis of the concept of time in idealistic philosophy. Einstein follows the path opened by Kant: time, as reality itself, is nothing. Nevertheless, according to the theory of relativity, time still has something objectively real, though its reality does not refer to the subjective world of our perceptions, but to a mathematically real world of four dimensions


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Author Biography

Diego Malquori, Universitat Ramon Llull

Facultat de Filosofia


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How to Cite

Malquori, D. (2013). Einstein, Gödel, Heidegger. Some observations about the concept of time. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 67(254 S.Esp), 1007–1027. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/pensamiento/article/view/1578