Science and religion in E. Wilson: the unity of science and the religion of evolution


  • Leopoldo José Prieto López Facultad de Filosofía de San Dámaso


Wilson, Whewell, Mayr, science-religion relationship, humanities-experimental sciences relationship, Consilience, unity of knowledge, religion of evolution


After a brief presentation of the status quaestionis of the current relationship between science and ethics, the article explores the particular reasoning of E. Wilson on the relation between science and religion. According to Wilson, the desirable overcoming of the distinction between experimental science and humanities is worthy of the Consilience, by virtue of which it renders possible a great synthesis, a new unity of knowledge, whose most conspicuous fruit is a form of secular religion: the religion of evolution


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How to Cite

Prieto López, L. J. (2013). Science and religion in E. Wilson: the unity of science and the religion of evolution. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 67(254 S.Esp), 1029–1050. Retrieved from



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