Schopenhauer and the fourfold root of the principle of aesthetics
Schopenhauer, aesthetics, tragedy, disinterestedness, resignation, sublime, compassionAbstract
This article holds an integral view of the aesthetic reception in Schopenhauer. This may include notions such as disinterest and resignation, but these two can only be fully understood from the notion of sublime, as we find in Schopenhauer’s account. The sublime in Schopenhauer is a highly original concept, and it has two explicit applications in this framework. On the one hand, the thinker refers to a sublime cosmic, referring to nature as a whole, and on the other, it is referred to the smaller world of man. This second sublime also has moral applications, just equally as resignation has. In fact, resignation presupposes compassion, in the same way that compassion presupposes the Schopenhauerian sublime, which in turn comes from the radicalization of the concept of disinterest in this aesthetic system. A comprehensive understanding of the experience of beauty and arts in Schopenhauer may include these four concepts, which. I have called the fourfold root.
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