From Kant to Freud: The Formation of the Modernist Subject within the Romantic Crises of Kantian thought


  • Juan B. Fuentes Universidad Complutense de Madrid


romantic motive, transcendental idealism, romanticism, modernist culture, pure apriorism, german idealism historic cycle


We sketch the main genealogical and structural lines of the historical course of ideas that, starting from Kant, and through the consecutive romantic crises of the initial Kantian thought, leads to the formation of the philosophical key ideas that underlie «modernist» man’s cultural attitude of rebelliousness. These key ideas would have paradigmatically crystallized in the philosophy of Schopenhauer in the first place, and only from there into that of Nietzsche, to end up reappearing in the Freudian anthropology understood as a modernist, historical culmination of this flow of ideas


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How to Cite

Fuentes, J. B. (2013). From Kant to Freud: The Formation of the Modernist Subject within the Romantic Crises of Kantian thought. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 67(253), 427–458. Retrieved from